Sunday, 11 August 2019

A Dream?

Separation II (1896) by Edvard Munch

In foul togetherness,
We walked weary,
Of weather,
Of purpose,
And of each other.

Mud clung to our feet,
Our eyes did not meet,
Doors you opened,
Were not for me.

My breath split in half,
Coloured the vision a sickly grey.
You stood apart,
Pointing the way.

At the edge of indifference,
I would be hung,
And scarce a tongue.

Friday, 9 August 2019

The Itch

Thought (1895) by Auguste Rodin 

That old itch
To walk away
Is back.

That old itch
To walk away
Without a stomp, kick or a scream,
Is back.

That old itch
To walk away
With nothing but
The smoothening of all furrows,
The lengthening of measured breath,
The swing of the loose end of a borrowed ascetic robe.

That old itch
Is back again.

Clutch the ground
With twenty toes.
Ball your fists,
Lock those nails.
Let the face crease
With every passing breeze.
Don’t let placid waters
Drown the flickering dream.

That old itch
Is back again.