Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Rare Catalogue of A Merchant of Lights

A quivering fluorescence of a firefly
Once trapped in a child’s palm
Let go into the sky.

A drop of a heavenly highlight
Bounced off from a lover’s cheek.

An aged paper lantern
Turned saggy-soft over the years
No longer a winter white
Glowing a creamy-buttery glow.

And an unsteady pool of torchlight
Still making its way through
An endless midnight rail track.


  1. A vedic insight into life it seems. Nothing but the truth. Beautiful images Arundhati.

  2. To describe such mundane phenomena in BEAUTIFUL words is a rare talent :)

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  6. Really beautiful ! Especially , the last bit. Every aged person would admit to feeling like that ,i think . And that you chose not to mention the child , youth , middle-aged person and aged person explicitly but only with references to some subtle experience each one goes through,made the realization of what the poem is all about strike me in a very spooky epiphany -like a thunderbolt.

  7. I am glad you could find sense in it. :)
